Julien Dinou -
16.8.1895 Cairo, † 24.1.1983 Bern
Mais l'art ne doit pas être une copie servile de la nature.
Man wondered, what is left to do. God said to him: You still have art.
But art should not be a slavish copy of nature.
- Julien Dinou, 1965
1895 Arnold Neuweiler born in Cairo, August the 16th. Citizenship Kreuzlingen, Thurgau (CH) 1910-1915 School years in Bern.
1915-1923 Chemistry study in Bern (unfinished); further education at the acting school of Max Rheinhardt in Berlin, and director in the Bayreuther Festspielen. (finished)
1925 Leading position in Industry, Frankfurt & Dortmund.
1933-1943 Neuweiler started collecting painting from Geneva’s painters.
1943-1944 La Peinture à Genève de 1700 à 1900 (Edition Alexandre Julien).
1943 Death of his daughter, beginning of artistic practice.
1951 First exhibition in Bern.
1956 Painting under the pseudonym Julien Dinou.
1958 Sold the Neuweiler AG to Von Roll AG and moved to Paris. Established his atelier in the Quartier Latin.
1960-1971 Travelled to Spain, Tunisia, and Morocco.
1974 Member of Otto Nebel Stiftung, chosen by Nebel.
1980 Moved back from Paris to Bern.
1983 Arnold Neuweiler (Julien Dinou) died in Bern.

(Swiss-German School) born Arnold Neuweiler
Born on August 16, 1895, in Cairo, where he lived until 1900, from 1900 to 1910 in Germany and Switzerland. Since 1957, he has a painting workshop in Paris. As an autodidact he began o draw and paintdaughter's death, first with palette knife, pastels, charcoal, and later with oil. In his first paintings; of portraits, of landscapes emerged: Expressionist Art and later, Abstract. From 1953 on he has been particularly influenced by the École de Paris. He then becomes the disciple of Paul Klee. - Tran Van Tung (writer/poet), source: Norah de Vigier.
1951 First exhibition: Cafe Select, Bern, Switzerland
1952 Solo exhibition, gallery Marbach, Bern, Switzerland
1953 Salon des réalités nouvelles, Paris*
*Salon des réalités nouvelles is officially established as a successor to Abstraction-Création in 1946 by Fredo Sidès. Its first board included Sonia Delaunay, Nelly van Doesburg, Auguste Herbin, Felix Del Marle, Jean Arp and Antoine Pevsner
1954 Exposition Atelier-Theater, Bern
1954 Salon des réalités nouvelles, Paris*
1954 Solo exhibition, gallery La Gentilhommière
1954 Solo exhibition, gallery La Citadelle, Locarno
1955 Salon des réalités nouvelles, Paris
1956 Solo exhibition at gallery Simone Heller*

*Simone Heller represented following artists: Auguste Herbin, Albert Gleizes, Jean Metzinger, Auguste Harzic, Jacinto Salvadó, Otto Nebel, Sigismond Kolos-Vary, Paul Szasz, Julien Dinou, César Domela, Vincent Batbedat, Louis Latapie, Henri Nouveau
1956 Solo exhibition at galerty “Des 4 Arts”, Lausanne
1956 23.01-12.02 Exhibition Painters from Bern, SVBK, Bern
1957 Solo exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, Dortmund
1958 Exhibition Painters from Bern, Bern*
1958 Comparaisons de Paris, Musée de Mexico, Paris
1958 Solo exhibition at gallery Simone Heller, Paris*
1959 "Bataille de rythme" at Simone Heller, Paris*
1959 Group exhibition at gallery Marforen, Brussels
1959 Atelier-Theater with painters from Bern, SVBK, Bern*
1959 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris
1960 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris
1960 Group exhibition at B.V.S.K, Basel
1960 Solo exhibition at “Malabar”, Bern
1960 Group exhibition at gallery Simone Heller, Paris*
1961 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris, Saigon and Tokyo
1961 Solo exhibition at gallery Simone Heller, Paris*
1962 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris
1962 Group exhibition at gallery Simone Heller, Paris
1962 Group exhibition S. Heller, Musée d’ Annemasse
1963 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris
1963 Group exhibition, gallery Simone Heller, Annecy
1964 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris
1964 Salon “Comparaisons Paris”, in Munich
1965 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris
1965 Solo exhibition at gallery Simone Heller*
1965 Group exhibition in Montreuil
1965 Salon “L’Art Sacré”, Musée d’Art modern, Paris
1967 Salon “Comparaisons”, Paris
1968 Solo exhibition gallery Simone Heller, Paris
1970 Group exhibition “Painters from Bern”, Bern
1971 Group exhibition Mantes-la-Jolie, Neuchâtel
1972 Solo exhibition at gallery Simone Heller, Paris*
1973 Solo exhibition Galerie du Manoir, La Chaux-de-Fonds”
1977 Solo exhibition, Galerie 58, Bern*
1980 Galerie Dobiaschofsky, Bern*
1982 Galerie Dobiaschofsky, Bern*
1987 Galerie Vita, Bern. Sale results went to: Amnesty International
1990 Tscharnergut, Bern*
1996 Formen der Abstraktion (Retrospective) Schloss Holligen, Bern*
Sale results went to: Amnesty International
*These exhibitions are documented with primary verifications in the following section.
Newspaper articles, annoucements and invitations
Sources: rapportgallica.bnf.fr/, www.e-newspaperarchives.ch , https://www.lemonde.fr/archives/article/1954/07/23/les-realites-nouvelles-en-1954_2038572_1819218.html

[Excerpt: It is not so much the architecture that strikes first with Dinou, but rather the color. His paintings indeed appear colourful from the first glance, in the good sense of the term. So, it doesn't matter that the ranges of colors are reminiscent of pure abstraction, or a landscape deconstructed somewhat in the manner of the pre-impressionists, because it is the harmony of colors and shapes that seduces the first gaze.
Dinou's way remains beautiful and very original, perhaps because it is tinged with this touch of naivety which doesn’t assimilate him into a naive painter, but on the contrary, it bears witness to his preserved freshness of spirit.

Exhibition Flyers 1996 Schloss Holligen, Bern.

Massenregie; eine Studie über die Schauspielchöre, ihre Wirkung und ihre Behandlung. Mit einer Einleitung von Franz Graetzer.
[Directing crowds; a study of the acting choirs, their effects and their treatment, introduction by Franz Graetzer]
Arnold Neuweiler, 1919
Die Regie des Einzeldarstellers; Eine Studie über praktische Inszenierungsprobleme
[The direction of the single actor; A study on practical staging problems]
Arnold Neuweiler, 1921

Konvolut : Galerie Simone Heller
1955 in French
1 envelope, 4 letters from and to Arnold Neuweiler,
4 picture lists, 2 announcements of the exhibition.

[Painting in Geneva from 1700 to 1900, with an introduction of Adrien Bovy]
Arnold Neuweiler, 1943

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with text by Robert Vrinat, 1972
Les oeuvres de Julien Dinou sont en exclusivité
à la Galerie Simone Heller, Paris VI, 33, rue de Seine
Photos par: Jean Baly, Paris VI, 16, rue Jacques-Callot
Photolithos Bader, Reinach/Bâle
Imprimé en Suisse par
Basler Druck-und Verlagsanstalt, Bâle

Julien Dinou (Erinnerungen an Arnold Neuweiler)
Wild, Adolf
Steffisburg : Adolf Wild
Book registered at Bern UB Library
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Korrespondenz : an Nebel, Otto
[Correspondence with Otto Nebel]
1957/1972 | 16 Letters |
Arnold Neuweiler signed some of his letters with Dinou
(Arnold Neuweiler unterzeichnete seine Briefe teilweise mit Dinou |
23 Letters an documents of Simone Heller (Paris)
Contains: 7 Br. (Copies) by O. Nebel to the Simone Heller Gallery (Paris) 16 Br. To the Simone Heller Gallery (Paris). Accompanying materials: 1 envelope, 4 letters from and to Arnold Neuweiler, 4 picture lists, 2 exhibition announcements, 2 telegrams, 2 ct., 5 letters between the Otto Nebel Foundation and the Galerie Heller (Paris), 1 transmission slip from the advocate of Fishermen at Rosmarie Nebel.
Enthält: 7 Br. (Kopien) von O. Nebel an die Galerie Simone Heller (Paris)
Begleitmaterialien: 1 Briefumschlag, 4 Br. von und an Arnold Neuweiler, 4 Bilderlisten, 2 Ausstellungsankündigungen, 2 Telegr., 2 Kt., 5 Briefe zwischen der Otto-Nebel-Stiftung und der Galerie Heller (Paris), 1 Uebermittlungszettel des Fürsprech von Fischer an Rosmarie Nebel
https://ead.nb.admin.ch/html/nebel.html B-2-HELL/1-44
Index of Otto Nebels Diaries Vol. I-X listed persons
Index der in Otto Nebels Tagbüchern Bd. I-X aufgeführten Personen
(erstellt im Auftrag des SLA von Stefanie Buhles 1995)
Neuweiler, Arnold (alias Julien Dinou) VIII: 185, 188f, 191, 192, 193, 199, 201, 204, 205, 206, 208, 210, 212f, 215, 217, 219, 230, 232, 233, 236, 238, 243, 245, 250, 252, 253, 254, 256, 258, 259, 262, 263f, 265, 268, 273, 274, 276, 279, 282, 293, 294, 296, 297. IX: 10, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24f, 28, 33f, 36, 38, 43, 59, 60, 76, 78, 85, 88, 94, 97, 99, 104, 114, 117, 122, 128, 130, 131, 136, 150, 152, 154, 161, 162, 167, 170, 172, 175f, 183, 186, 191, 204, 216, 220, 224, 226, 239, 247, 256, 279, 280, 285, 294, 298. X: 1, 14, 17, 23, 24, 29, 36, 40, 49, 50, 53, 79, 92f, 94, 95, 98, 99, 101, 104, 109, 112f, 119, 131, 138, 140, 142, 147, 148, 158, 162, 164, 165, 166, 169, 171, 173f, 178, 185, 187, 193, 197, 199, 209, 224, 247, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 260, 261f, 270, 271, 279, 280, 286, 293, 295, 296, 298.
Paul Klee, Briefe an die Familie 1893-1940, by Felix Klee, Cologne 1979.
Letters Paul Klee and Lily Klee, 25.4.1939 & 6.5.1939, Neuweiler is mentioned.

Arnold Neuweiler et ses souvenirs sur Paul Klee [Audio in French]